FlickrGroupPoster is an utility that helps you post your photos into Flickr's groups.

You will be able to check immediately the groups in which you posted your photos and to add any photo to any group in batch
In case of errors (i.e. "Photo limit reached"), FlickrGroupPoster will remember your list of commands so that you'll be able to continue another day.

If you like FlickrGroupPoster, please consider a donation or, at least, sign the GuestBook

FlickrGroupPoster is written using Java and it has been tested to work on Windows, Linux and Mac Os X systems.

FlickrGroupPoster is released under the GPL license so you can freely use it as you like. However, it costed and it costs me a lot of effort into mantaining it up to date. So, if you find it useful, I would really appreciate any donation you would like to make.

Jawc requires Java JRE 1.5

Stefano Bertini